Family Traditions

The time of year from Thanksgiving to Christmas is full of fun, excitement, anticipation and traditions. It seems jam packed with stuff we do, family we love and friends we laugh alongside of, for a few short weeks. Why this can’t be a little more spread out I don’t know but that’s another story…
I have been interested in traditions this year and trying my hardest to pay attention to any traditions that our family has or that have been passed on from generations before us. Some are silly and some are sweet and some things are just missing.
A few years ago, we started going to our little towns Christmas lights display. Our family gathers for dinner downtown and walks to our city park where they do a countdown to the power switch being flipped on. It’s a magical tradition that I want to keep. There are horse drawn carriage rides and hot cocoa and the city park is all a bustle with people. Schools, organizations, charities and more decorate their own Christmas trees and line the sidewalks where you can walk through them and enjoy. What’s so special about this night is that you are guaranteed to see people who know your name. It’s like a Cheers episode or a glimpse of Andy Griffiths Mayberry. We live in this society that doesn’t look up or acknowledge human beings often but for at least one magical night our town certainly feels like a hallmark movie and at least once a year I want that for my family.

We do Thanksgiving lunch at my moms and dinner at David’s sisters house. 1pm and 5pm every year. We are stuffed and it’s a long day but most years it is super successful. My mom and I enjoy black Friday shopping together as well and it might be the only time the entire year we get to go alone to do anything. Even if it is all night and we are exhausted for a few days after, it is worth it to be together, yet alone, for those 12 hours.
This year I felt this urgency and even sadness that our nuclear family has not really started our own traditions that are just for us. I wanted things that made our 4 kiddos when they are in college, long to come home to share these holiday traditions with their parents. I wanted important and fun quality time traditions that when they are grown and married they will want to pass on to their own children.
The big kids wanted an Elf on the Shelf. I caved and it is quite a task. Thank goodness all you other parents post on instagram and facebook what your elves are doing so I can copy and my kids (for now) think our elf is super cool and trendy. Honestly, my husband has been the one moving and setting up our nightly sneaky elf activities and I am forever grateful. It is fun but I knew deep in my spirit that I also wanted to incorporate an advent –type tradition that would point their (and my heart) towards the real reason we celebrate this time of year—the birth of Jesus, the Savior. I was listening to a podcast (The GodCentered Mom pdcast—check it out) on some variations of the elf of the shelf that had a Christian slant and you can listen to more about those here: but one that struck me as something I wanted to do was called The Jesse Tree.
The Jesse Tree is a daily devotional with a matching ornament for the 24 days leading up to the 25th, Christmas Day. As I was searching for Jesse Tree products or items to order I thought to myself that there might be other people thinking along the same lines as me and desiring to put in place a family Christmas tradition that pointed their kiddos towards the Saviors birth as well. I jumped into action and planned with my pastor’s wife to host a Jesse Tree Ornament making party with ladies at our church to help give them the tools to implement this in their own homes. If you are interested in this please visit this site and print the Jesse Tree Booklet and ornaments and get started! Don’t let a few days into December stop you! You can quickly catch up! My kids have truly enjoyed it. They take turns finding the ornament that matched the devotional for the day and we read the short story together. It takes about 2-3 minutes and I am so happy we have that time each day to recalibrate and truly check ourselves on what this season is all about.
The last tradition we have taken on is purchasing Christmas for our Angel Tree kids. Our church has a tree with kids sizes, needs, wants and more on an Angel. Our older two chose an angel to adopt and we set out to get Christmas gifts for them. They really got into this and I did see a glimpse of hope in their desires to help those who are in need. Our oldest was so insistent that we get a book about Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas so that these kids would hear about Jesus too.
I hope this has given you some ideas about this season and traditions you might want to start with your own families. Don’t think you are too late or your kids are too old or too young to start. Make sure to challenge and run your activites through the filter of “is this a life giving activity for myself and my family? Or is this a life-draining activity for us?” In the busy of this season saying no is also super important. Don’t feel guilty. If you are able to answer those two questions in honesty you’ll keep yourself and your family from over doing it this Christmas. If you have some special traditions you’d like to share with us please do so! I love hearing what you guys are up too as well!

Tis the Season,


I’m Willing to Try Anything

You know I was never much of a risk-taker. Adventurous was not a word used to describe me. I played it safe. I found comfort in being able to control things. I don’t ride roller coasters (I am, however, the best purse watcher you can take to an amusement park). You know trying new things wasn’t something I actually consciously chose to avoid but I do believe my nature was to keep on with the tried and true, the safe and the known.

I’m pretty sure that much of this changed when I became a mom.  You do things you would have NEVER done for people you love and even more so when it is in the form of your sweet little offspring.

Raegan, our firstborn, rocked our world.  I mean that in every way you can possibly take it. When she was born 5 and 1/2 years ago I lost total control.  I couldn’t control her.  She ruled things around here and she also forced me into a new way of seeing things.  I wondered for the first time if maybe there were other ways and options and avenues that would work just as well or maybe even better than my safe little ways I was used to doing…I was comfortable doing.

Lately, I have found myself reflecting on all the things I have done that I would have never believed I would do years ago.  One example is finding myself in the cat food aisle at Walmart buying cat food for this feline that has adopted us.  She just showed up and now we are feeding her… I do not even like cats and I still don’t but my little family finds joy in her so I am buying cat food.

Next up, if you would have told me that I would have 4 children I would have laughed at you.  4? I wasn’t even sure when David and I got married that I wanted to have kids…now 6 years later we have 4.

Essential oils…ha! Those things are all in your head.  Que my second born having a terrible virus and sure enough a box of those little gems arrived at my doorstep and now 3 years later I can’t live without them!

Being a stay at home mom. Never, in a million bajillion years would I have thought I would be a SAHM.  I didn’t even know what SAHM stood for until like last year and that’s been my career now for 5 years.  Who cares about the title, right?  And this is a “try something new” that I am still getting used too.  I love being able to be with my kids and honestly we couldn’t afford childcare at our rate of reproduction but I sure do miss adults.  I miss drinking a cup of coffee while it is still warm and dressing up (or dressing at all for the day) in heels and jewelry…the works.  I miss that but in trying something new and something different I have found goodness and joy in the moments of dropping off the kids to school or singing Christmas cds in the van (all year long…and yes I said a van…another thing I would have never seen myself driving).

So if you are an in control person or love the comfortable be encouraged that losing control and forsaking the comfortable can cause you to grab hold of a new thing and often an even better thing in the season where you find yourself walking. And when you find yourself in the cat food aisle just remember the motto that I’m willing to try anything…even if it means a family cat…her proper name… Sir Princess Whiskers Price.

Sweet November

Today I sat down and began searching for Christmas songs to think about for our churches upcoming worship sets this December and as I pulled up my itunes account a few voice memos that I had recorded on my iphone were on the top of the page. I clicked on cute songs that Raegan had recorded a few years ago and then I noticed a song I had recorded almost exactly 2 years ago this week, November 14, 2014. I can vividly remember this recording. I was in my brother and sister in laws house where I had worked with my brother for a time. No one was home and I had come upstairs to eat lunch. They had a piano there and I sat down to use it as I played and sang this song.

We were walking through a miscarriage and I recall knowing that we were losing this pregnancy, this baby, but I also knew that God could do anything He wanted too and I was practicing faith. I was pressing into His promises of faithfulness and nearness to those who are faithless and broken hearted. At this particular time 2 years ago we hadn’t received the final news that for sure our baby was not going to come but looking back I knew something was not right and that in fact, we would not be having baby #3.
Since I am music minded I have always found healing and even peace through music. When I feel alone and scared or happy and full of hope, I sing. It’s a language that gets me and I get it. I sat down that afternoon to their upright piano and remember wanting to record this moment. I knew that I would want to recall exactly the tone of my voice and the truth in how I deeply felt these words I would sing. I wanted to feel the tears streaming as I sang that song. I was sad and broken, yes. I was confused and full of questions, yes. But I was also very aware of the ever-present closeness of my heavenly Father and His unwavering love for me. As I loved that little hope of a baby I pressed into the knowledge that my God also loved that little hopeless woman, me, His daughter, who was facing a moment that would need restoration in days, weeks or even years to come. I knew I was about to experience an unexplainable peace and get to firsthand have a glimpse of real-life modern-day redemption.

You can listen to the song as I recorded it here or find the lyrics online to the song I am not Alone by Kari Jobe. There were a few lines that I recall truly pulling me out of the darkness: In the midst of deep sorrow, I see Your light is breaking through. The dark of night it will not overtake me cause I am pressing in to You. Lord, You fight my every battle and I will not fear. For I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me.

Yes it was dark and very sorrowful but I knew it would not overtake or overwhelm me if I pressed into His heart, His presence and the true character of the God who over and over again pulls me into His side and ever so gently redeems every loss and tear and hopeless night I would ever feel.

Not every story ends this way but God did fully and completely and abundantly restore our family as He so graciously gave us twins exactly 1 year later. November 30, 2015 we welcomed our boys Remington Augustus and Romey Thomas. As if holding us through our loss in 2014 wasn’t enough, God also gave us the desires of our hearts by giving us a healthy pregnancy and surprising us with 2 babies thus restoring to us twofold what had seemingly been taken. It wasn’t until this year that I realized that He (in true God-like fashion) gave us those boys in the same month that we experienced the loss a year earlier. See I wasn’t actually due with the twins until January 7th and our goal to deliver was December 7th when I would be 36 weeks which would be safe then for the twins to arrive. Oh how He loves to remind us of His hand in things by bringing two healthy boys into the world on THE FINAL DAY of November, the exact month we felt so hopeless a year earlier. I must admit (and my friends will even tell you) I didn’t much care for November. It wasn’t a month that I had a deep affection for and I really wanted December babies–BUT God knew better. A sign? A gift? Probably both.

This year is no different as I listened to those lyrics I cried. I could still picture myself at their piano with my emptiness. I also recall how truly good and faithful God is to me. Life is about remembering, recalling and recounting-where we started, what we’ve come through, how that thing changed us and how we are better in some way for it—then rinse and repeat. Today, I am grateful that I have this little sound bite to take me back and fully appreciate the nearness of God. He holds our hearts every step of the way.
P.S. November has won me over. In fact, it may be my favorite month of the year now!

Do you see me?

You might be in this very phase right now but if you aren’t I am sure you can recall it quickly.  Do you remember your child or children asking, “Mommy, look at me?”…”Daddy, do you see me?” This isn’t something we are taught is it? We can call it the need for validation, attention, an outcry or even a tantrum at times!  What exactly is that child needing?  They need you to see them.  To recognize them. There is something so sweet about being seen by someone isn’t there?

This isn’t just a childhood phase and to be honest with you as I think about this plea I am almost convinced that it is something that God has put deep inside of our very beings.  The need to be seen and loved and known.  We want to be known don’t we?

It reminds me of dating too.  You want your significant other to see you.  To know you.  To love you more than others.  To put you on their favorites list and more than that to be chosen by them.  They get to choose to love and know you. I think that is what fairy tales are made of, right?  Consider Cinderella, despite her upbringing and her current work and situation with the evil step sisters and step mother, Prince Charming looked beyond that…in fact, that wasn’t even on his radar.  All he KNEW was her and that he had to have her by his side forever.

I’ve been reading from a book by J.I. Packer called Knowing God.  He unpacks a few truths that reminded me of our desire to be known.

“What matters supremely, therefore, is not, in the last analysis, the fact that I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it — the fact that He knows me. I am graven on the palms of His hands. I am never out of His mind. All my knowledge of Him depends on His sustained initiative in knowing me. I know Him, because He first knew me, and continues to know me. He knows me as a friend, one who loves me, and there is no moment when His eye is off me, or His attention distracted from me, and no moment therefore, when His care falters.

“This is momentous knowledge. There is unspeakable comfort — the sort of comfort that energizes, be it said, not enervates — in knowing that God is constantly taking knowledge of me in love, and watching over me for my good. There is tremendous relief in knowing that His love to me is utterly realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about me, so that no discovery now can disillusion him about me, in the way I am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench his determination to bless me. There is, certainly , great cause for humility in the thought that He sees all the twisted things about me that my fellow-men do not see (and am I glad!), and that He sees more corruption in me than that which I see in myself (which in all conscience, is enough.)

“There is, however, equally great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for some unfathomable reason, He wants me as His friend, and desires to be my friend, and has given His Son to die for me in order to realize this purpose.”

That is a lot to breakdown and think about but isn’t it a wonderment that the God of the universe KNOWS me and you and is not deterred from a relationship with us when He knows all the worst of me (of us)?  That is being truly known and fully known and that should change how you view yourself too.

That is what I wanted to get too.  We are made in His image and although sin and our crap has gotten in the way of us being perfectly whole like He desired for us when Adam and Eve were first created it does not sway Him from recalling and reminding us of who He intended us to be.

We see it so many times throughout the Bible.  God’s people forget who He is and thus who He intended them to be and so they get restless and turn to some quick fix.  It doesn’t last and after what seems like lots of reminding and remembering and recalling all He has brought them (or us) through they finally return to their first love and the first person who KNEW them and loved them without reserve.

Galatians 4:8-9 says, “Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God – or rather are known by God – how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?” 

The part of this verse that should get us is the, “But now that you know God – or rather are known by God.”  There is a sense of freedom that is associated with being known by God.  Isn’t that a wonderful way to be able to live.  To be fully known and fully loved and completely accepted.

I truly have learned more in my 31 years from becoming a parent than maybe any other time.  Their minds amaze me and their view of God amazes me even more.  I can’t imagine how God feels about us as His children though.  Think of this example:  If my children came to me and said Mommy, you are so awesome and perfect and wonderful and on and on and then said but I’m not and I am just terrible and awful and undeserving would I say to them yep, you’re right! You are just a mess.  No, I would say, “I know you.  You are wonderful and lovely and can do anything you set your heart and mind too.  I only want the best for you.”  It is the same way with God.  He isn’t in heaven waiting for us to tell Him how great He is and how awful we are…we are His.  We must remember whose we are… and then live like it.  We are fully known and fully loved.  He does sees you.


The Waiting Room

I knew I was going to write about our miscarriage at some point but to be honest I never felt our story was impactful enough or important enough to share with the world.  Maybe it still isn’t.  I’ve prayed over this for several weeks now as we are approaching the 1 year anniversary of our loss and also with October being Infant and Pregnancy Loss awareness month it’s been on the forefront of my mind to write a little of our journey.  (By the way….I’m not sure why the month of October is so popular for awareness but SOOOOOO many causes are memorialized in this beautiful fall month…i digress)

We found out we were pregnant (do you all take like 5 tests before you believe what the little line is trying to tell you??) in September/October of 2014.  I made an appointment to do a general overview of my history and all that exciting paperwork.  That day the lady asked me how far along I was and I knew for sure I was at least 6 weeks and she said let me see if we can’t get you an ultrasound today.  Everyone wants an ultrasound as soon as possible right? I agree and wait for her to see what they could do.  She can see me now! Great.  I walk in and up on the screen there it was this beautiful little sac with no baby or heartbeat detected.  No big deal to the tech…i was just too early for the baby to have a presence yet and the house was ready and waiting for the baby to come live in.  I was to come back in 2 weeks and everything would be perfect.  I knew though. Somehow, I knew.  Something wasn’t right.  I saw the doctor after and they assured me with 2 previous healthy pregnancies everything was fine but I was just too early and all would be well at my next visit.

Those next two weeks were the longest.  You try to forget but you can’t help it so you wonder and pray and google…never google 🙂  We told very few people we even knew we were expecting at all. In fact, we had told our pastor and his wife who are our dear family friends.  I knew we could trust them and I knew they would pray for us.  I also told my essential oils guru because I wanted to make sure I was being healthy in all my self care choices but that was it.  I didn’t feel either of our parents would be thrilled with the idea as we, at that time, had a 3 year old and a 2 year old so I was waiting to tell them until I was ready to handle any and all reactions that might come our way.

The first week of November, our son Rylan got very sick and was admitted to the hospital for possible pneumonia or croup or something respiratory.  Looking back now I am sure they told me but I was emotionally distracted and just walking through life and waiting on our next appointment to confirm the hopeful words of our doctor that a tiny bean would be there next time and all would be well.  Rylan was admitted on a Wednesday and we were going for our ultrasound that Friday.  At the time I was planning how to get help with our kiddos if Rylan needed to stay longer than a day in the hospital and us still attend our ultrasound on Friday.  Keep in mind our families did not know and I still wasn’t ready to tell them.

My mom stayed late into that Wednesday evening with me and Rylan. He was such a trooper. We watched movies and played games and he slept off and on.  Things were going good for him and they were expecting him to be released the next day so all was well.  Until…that night I went to the restroom in that hospital room and I had started bleeding. I knew it was happening.  Remember I googled.  I came back out and sat in the bed with Rylan and my mom was still there just hanging out with us.  It took me forever to muster up the words (like seriously 15 minutes passed) and I told her what was happening.  I knew that I would have to call the next day and be seen myself even though we had an appointment on Friday.  She was kind and helped me get a plan with my dad together to help watch the kids and I texted David to tell him he needed to take tomorrow off to go with me to the doctor.

At this point, it’s all foggy. I was just foggy.  My brain and heart and all my body systems just seemed to fade for me.  I kept thinking of how many women I knew that had endured much worse loss and pain than this.  This wasn’t as big of a loss – I kept comparing myself to others and tried to bury my feelings and not allow myself to even feel worthy of grief.  I had two beautiful kids at home.  Excuse after excuse as to why this wasn’t significant enough to cause pain at any level.

We were discharged from the hospital and Rylan went to spend the afternoon with my dad.  Raegan was with my in laws and happy as can be.  David drove me to the doctor office and we were sent to ultrasound first.  You read about how bleeding is normal and I still had a smidge of hope that maybe all would be fine.  It was confirmed that we were in the early stages of miscarriage.  I’ve never held my breath like that or maybe my breath was taken away for a moment…either way I couldn’t breathe.  We saw the doctor next and they do their best to explain how common this can be and how I need time and all the test they want to do to make sure everything was clear and infection free for me over the next few weeks as this would take up to a month to fully happen.  Again…all a blur.

I called this blog the waiting room because that day after the ultrasound while we were waiting to see the doctor, David and I sat in this big waiting room that we had sat in numerous times before looking over our cute pictures of our other two children and guessing who they looked like and whose nose they had and how much hair was seen on the photo and that day as we sat there just after hearing the news that we wouldn’t be having another baby we realized something…. There was as much heartache in that waiting room as their was joy but we had not seen that or experienced that before.  The waiting room can be a very scary place for folks and that day wee got a new perspective.  That day changed us.

David left to go sit in the car while I finished up paperwork and honestly the loss was hard on him too.  He said he just remembered asking God why…and at the time God kept speaking over his heart- in all things I am faithful.  He didn’t know what that looked like or what that meant but it brought him peace.  You know, the peace that passes all understanding?  Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

So now we knew.  The next days and weeks were painful at times but I can say that if I ever doubted God’s love and peace I felt it then.  I also found out that Panaway, lavender and Joy were my new favorite essential oils that I held dear to me during this process.  They worked and that made the process not as painful and my heart a little happier.

A few weeks later I sat down at the piano and started singing and playing Kari Jobe’s song “I Am Not Alone” just as a personal prayer for myself.  It was another part of the healing process for me and I still can’t sing that song without associating it with the peace of God I felt through this miscarriage.  Weeks, months go by and things get back to “normal” — long story so far but just a few more things to add…

Fast forward to Mother’s Day – May 2015

Brooke: “I think we need to get a pregnancy test.”
David:  “Really, I just thought you were on birth control and didn’t tell me.”
Brooke: “Nope.”
David: “Let’s go get one.”

We were going to my moms for a Mother’s Day get together and we stopped and got a yes on the way over. I slipped off to the bathroom and took the test…immediately a positive line…like not the 3 minute wait…immediately.  David looks at me in the kitchen and says so…and I say yes. Speaking in code here and he says yes what…Yes, very yes. lol.  We were both happy but once you’ve walked these streets and treaded these waters you just don’t know how to feel.  I told him I was waiting forever to go to the doctor because I wanted no doubt that the baby should be there by the time we went in for our first visit.  I didn’t want to do the wait and see game. I wanted to be sure the very first visit.  So we waited until 12 weeks to go to the doctor.  The receptionist kept asking why I waited so long and they needed to get me in soon.  I said that was fine.  So appointment is made and of course David is going along too.

I was very sick the week before the appointment and I told my dad that I thought I was pregnant and that we had an appointment that next week and I asked him not to say anything because we didn’t tell anyone again this time.  My dad and I are close like that though.  We share secrets and gang up on my mom.  We are a team and our relationship is a really special daughter/father bond.  So the next week my mom asked us to pick up Raegan’s 4 year photos from the mall since we would be down that way (I’m not sure what we told her we were doing but she had no idea we were going to the dr)

We arrive and do the routine question stuff and family history, etc. The lady walks us through the hallway and down to the ultrasound room.  As we are walking she tells the doctor (we hadn’t seen him before) that this was the couple he was seeing in a few minutes and that we were pregnant to which he says well congratulations…We both say nothing back…you just can’t until you know.  I was embarrassed when I look back on that moment that we didn’t even say thanks but it felt more like we should say well we will see I guess….

For anyone who has had a miscarriage and then gets a positive pregnancy test after that and goes for an ultrasound you are never able to breathe easily as they scan you.  We both wait and lean back as she tells us…”well, there’s a baby….and there’s another baby.” What? Are you kidding? 2 babies?  She confirms, yes you are having twins. I look over to see David wiping a tear from his eye and I am overwhelmed laying there.  I was shocked. Then the questions come and this was her first time ever finding twins so they had to call in her supervisor to recheck her work and make sure all was well and that baby A and baby B were labeled correctly for future scans.

We see the doctor and he explains all the important things and medical jargon to us.  We take it all in.  Driving home that day is when David told me the story of him sitting in that same parking lot the day we miscarried and how God spoke over his heart that He was faithful in all things.  He said I just can’t help but see that God has blessed us doubly.  It reminded me of Zechariah 9:12, “Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.”

I kept saying that it was easier walking through the missed miscarriage because a baby never came on the scene and lived in that sac.  The only way I could describe it was a loss of HOPE.  It was the hope of a child, a future, a family of 5.  But our hope wasn’t in the logical but rather in the never changing and good promises of God to us.  He is the author of life and hope.  I could never have imagined being told that day that we were expecting two little babies.  God always does that.  The journey He puts us on is always better than our thoughts and ways and desires.

I know that this isn’t everyone’s story and I can honestly tell you that with or without twins or another baby being born into our family we still trusted and knew that God was faithful- however that looked.  Trust in the hope giver and the restorer of your soul today.  He is near and always has better things for His children.


It’s been awhile since I’ve posted but I’ve been writing quite a bit. I’m doing a fitness challenge with a great group of ladies at our church and the class leader asked if I would put together devotionals for each class. I was excited, honored, then overwhelmed and thought what did I get myself into??!!

You could say it was a great opportunity for me to grow and share but it came at the wrong time. I’m a busy mom. I’m pushing hard this month and next to reach a business goal and it’s got my full attention. My plate is piled up with other wonderful things too like worship team planning and practice and other odds and ends jobs I do to help out with our “single family income.”

So, guess what I felt I needed to blog about? Balance. Not that I’m great at it but acknowledging our shortcomings is the first step, right? I was able to exercise to a yoga DVD this afternoon and by that I mean I was a jungle gym for my 3 & 2 year old to climb on, dive under, etc you get the picture…but I was able to catch the tree pose moment where you stand on one leg and put the other legs foot into your knee- it was about balancing on your one leg and keeping your body focused. The lady asked us to close our eyes and she warned it would get cra cra for a bit but you had to trust that your body would balance itself if you were centered. And I did it!

I instantly had this post come to mind. I always pictured balancing as looking out and finding one point on the wall to focus on and how that helped you to balance but today when she had us close our eyes to stay balanced I had to allow my insides to take over. It reminds me of what God must deal with when it comes to me and probably most moms. By 9am my life is already in chaos…and if we have to get ready to go somewhere well I’m most likely having a smidgen of a panic attack and I’m sniffing, rubbing on and diffusing my peace and calming oil (amazing stuff). I see no resemblance of balance in my life.

Until today I thought balance was staring and focusing all my energy on that one point on the wall. In my mind that spot on the wall was God and His will but it’s not. Balance is me closing my eyes and allowing the Holy Spirit to take over completely. When my eyes are open I can’t see what He wants to do through this mess that’s all around me. When my eyes are open they tend to drift to other things. See balance is about me relying on and resting in His plans and ways. I know they are better and higher than my ways but if I close my eyes I lose control. Exactly.

The Holy Spirit can move when I lose my need to control. I ultimately have no other needs but the need for Jesus and for Him to balance my life. I would rather my chaos be turned over to Him anyway.

Isaiah 26:3 says “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” That’s the kind of balance I desire.

You’re Going to Miss These Days

If you’re having a good parenting day just skip this post for now and come back later.

It’s been a crazy day and maybe even a week or two but who’s counting?? Well, I am!! This post won’t be a really exciting positive one so if you’re still on board with me go ahead keep reading. If not, it won’t hurt my feelings-tonight, I’m just venting.

I have been told oh, at least twenty times, that these first few years of your child’s life are the best of times and how I will LONG for them one day. I’m sorry to tell you that I’ve honestly thought long and hard about those words of wisdom (I’ve felt guilty that I don’t agree with the things they are telling me) and I just don’t see myself thinking that these days were the best of my motherhood. If so, I’m going to need more stress away oil and prayer than I’m currently using and I think I’ve got a pretty serious habit as it stands so…

Here’s my status: I’ve got a 3 (almost 4 year old) and a 2 and a half year old. My last four years have been late nights, early mornings, hospital visits, teething, colic, reflux, discipline, buggers, snot, diapers of all kinda yucky varieties, bath times (might sound relaxing to some of you but believe me it’s not), Disney Junior, yelling, screaming, running, laundry, picky eaters, breakfast, lunch and dinner with aforementioned picky eaters, preschool, and well much more. Literally, from dawn til dusk- no actually, 24/7, I do very little of the things I might want to do or accomplish. Life is totally about these two little people and I’m listening to all these moms or grandmas or random people telling me how I’ll miss these days.

I won’t miss these days. I think I will miss these little people I’m helping to form into bigger people or a few really wonderfully high moments with them but I really can’t see missing these days. These days are long and hard and rough. These days are selfless and irritating and mood altering.  They are just days. I’m trying to remember that tomorrow is another day and then another month and year will quickly pass and I’ll miss these little people who grow into bigger people but in this moment I just can’t agree that I’ll miss these days…and I think that’s ok.

I’ve felt guilty at times when people would tell me about how these days were the best and I would miss them but I don’t anymore. I wanted to be real with you other parents or moms out there who are trying to pretend that you love all this stuff that happens to coincide with the little years. We don’t have to love it. It’s part of the process, yes. Is it what I will miss? No.

I can’t wait until everyone can strap themselves in the car and pour their own milk and even wipe their own behinds. I do know of one thing I’ll miss and maybe, just maybe, this is the thing all those wiser people really mean when they say you’ll miss these days…those hugs and untainted expressions of love. Now that’s something I will miss.

So my take away is this- when I’m old and my kids are grown and some new little momma comes hauling in her crew, out of breath, dark circles under her eyes, screaming baby on hip, toddler sippy cup needing a refill and I’m tempted to say honey you’ll miss these days… I’m not going to do it. I’m going to tell her you’ll make it and I know these days are long and hard and one day very far off in the future you will miss their hugs and the way they show love at this age 🙂 and I know she will look at me like I’m crazy but later she will smile about what that old woman said and breathe a sigh of relief that she doesn’t have to miss these days.

Thanks for listening-


The Decoy

Since this post is about being authentic I feel I should be upfront and let you know I am in no way a history buff. I do, however, have wonderful listening skills (my history lovin husband knows his history stuff) and I know how to use the search engine on Google better than most lazy people I know sooooo I’m qualified to tell you this example that’s stuck with me about being real and authentic. image

See that tanker up there? It’s called a dummy tank and it was a decoy of sorts. They were inflatable and in World War I and II these decoy rubber tanks were used to confuse or throw off enemy camps. From a distance they appeared very real but once you got up close you could tell the difference. It was somewhat effective but it wasn’t real. I remember my husband, David and myself talking about these decoys a few years back when we were discussing how from a distance sometimes things look so together and like it’s running perfectly but if you get up close there is no depth, it’s hollow inside and it’s not something we wanted to be involved with because it’s not real.

I do so love authenticity. It’s attractive. It’s valuable. It’s uncommon and rare these days. Why do we feel the need to be someone or something we are not? I believe it’s because of a few things:

1. We don’t like who we are- Somewhere along our journey people, even well-intending good people, speak things over us about who we are and more times than not, those voices scream louder than our true selves. It’s funny how those voices and words resonate in our deepest soul and along the line one day we start to be those things and another day later in life we don’t like who we’ve turned into.

As an example- I’ve always been called a people-pleaser. Family, friends, boyfriends, co-workers, bosses…maybe I am, right? If I wasn’t before I surely was now. Many of the people who spoke this over me had good intentions. I think a more powerful and positive way this could have been branded on my heart would have been to say that I like everyone in a situation to be happy and pleased if that’s possible (even me). But “people-pleaser” announced as a large part of my personality said to everyone, “walk all over Brooke she won’t care! If you’re happy then she’s happy. She won’t ever express an opinion so do what you want and don’t even consider her. She’s a people-pleaser!” I wore that title like a badge for over 20 years and I’ve had to establish that I’m no longer a push over and that I do have an opinion. It was different for those who branded me as a people pleaser to understand and respect that the real Brooke did have opinions and would and could make choices that didn’t put all others before herself. I read a life-changing book that helped me in this journey called Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. Read it because it will change your life. I prefer to be known as a peace maker now which is more me than people pleaser but comes from the same place in my heart.

2. We are afraid of rejection- You know, what if the true me, the authentic me, isn’t something people will accept or like? I dealt with this after transforming into a person who now has an opinion. You could imagine changing from a people pleaser into someone with a voice and opinion would be difficult. We are talking my parents & others who had known me my entire life were now experiencing a new person and my friends were learning of a new and more two sided relationship. As you can imagine, some people liked it and some did not. After 20 plus years of people pleasing it was hard for me to see people I loved (and I thought loved me back) not accept and reject the Brooke who had a voice. It was a journey for me because I still had tendencies of wanting to give in and give up on having an opinion and setting boundaries with people. I don’t know what you might be afraid of revealing that could cause people to reject you but if it’s healthy and godly then it’s worth it. Better and more wonderful people will come along! Lean into the true you and if anyone rejects it they aren’t a necessary part of your day to day life anyways.

3. We don’t know who we are or who we belong too- see this is your identity. Have you noticed you get kinda flustered when someone asks you to introduce yourself? I do. Not because I’m afraid to talk or because I’m nervous, it’s more due to the fact that we’ve complicated who we are… Daughter, wife, mommy, friend, business owner and the list goes on and on. You see, we as a society have decided labeling and a long line of accolades is equivalent to our identities. We’ve made things so complicated! How about these terms? Addict, loser, nobody etc. Once again, what’s up with the labels?

I can break this down for you. If you don’t know Jesus yet you should get to know Him becaue a life surrenderd to Him makes this whole identity thing simple. In 2 Corinthians 5:17-20, Paul is writing to the people saying- “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.”

Do you see it? Your identity is in Christ. We are new. We were made to be reconciled to God and then to be his ambassadors. No long list of labels…PTO president, Girl Scout troop leader, baseball coach- nope, you’re an ambassador of Christ. Your most important label may be the only Jesus others will ever see. Walk in that identity. Walk out your journey with Jesus and allow Him to be what defines you.

Stop the decoy mentality. Cut the labels and be like Jesus. Authentic. Try it the next time someone asks you to tell them more about yourself. Leave the long list of your labels that you think you are for later and introduce them to your identity in Christ.

Happy Weekend!


The Mommy Journey

I’m not quite sure if it was last night’s episode of Parenthood (which I don’t watch regularly but it sucked me in) or the news that a sweet friend just welcomed her first baby boy into the world but for some reason my heart led me to this space to share a smidge of what I’ve learned since becoming a mommy.

First, there is no perfectly right way to do any of this parenting stuff. Stay at home or work away from home … Or work at home in your yoga pants with no makeup on! That’s what I do and I love that Young Living Essential Oils has given me that opportunity to stay home and work from home while sharing products that are literally changing peoples lives. It’s what fits my life best right now. Whatever fits you best…do it. Breast or bottle? Cry it out or not? Share your bed with kids or not? Junk food or organic foods? Take a deep breath and guess what? If it’s working for you and your family, then it’s your right way of parenting. Period. No judgements. Just do what works for you and your family.

Secondly, for the sake of everyone’s sanity, ASK FOR HELP! Your title is not superwoman, elastic girl, Wonder Woman, so for pity sake just be momma. Momma’s can do amazing things and in a showdown I’m quite certain we could take on and win against these superheroes. You wanna know why? Because mommies are made to endure. These other ladies might have a task here and there but we moms, we must endure. We endure long nights, spit up, diapers, budgets, laundry, runny noses, fevers, check ups, ER visits, Walmart with 2 babies under 2 at the self checkout (best idea ever…right ??), scrapes & cuts, dirty dishes, plunging toilets, church nursery duty, vacations (which are much much different with babies), breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks (somedays organic- most days not), and well much more. Endurance. It’s the super mommy power – the ability to endure. But know you can and should ask for help. We all need a time to recharge so we can be better mommies, wives and friends. Go grocery shopping alone, date nights, workout, take a shower, go to the potty alone-just know it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for help!

Lastly, you’ll never regret the moments you put your whole heart, soul and mind into your mommy job. There are more times than I can count that I’ve not been present, not been focused, or committed to living in that particular moment with my kids. Even as I write this my little boy has 2 cars running over my feet and up my legs…I’m trying to finish this blog post and encourage all of you but I’ve gotta go. He will only want me to play cars with him for a very short amount of time. If we aren’t there and present with our kids they will find other things or people who will be. I don’t want that. As positive as those other things or people might be- I’m his mommy. He needs me but mainly, I need him. Kids reveal the good and bad in us. They challenge us to look deep and examine ourselves.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Just don’t miss the season you’re in. Maybe you’re waiting to become a mommy or you’re enduring the early years. You could be exhausted from the teen years or scared out of your mind because they are independent now and in their twenties. Whatever season, it has purpose. It’s meant to be lived in. It’s a time to trust Jesus and show those around you that you’re trusting Him too- in every season and activity. That’s the most wonderful gift you can give to your little part of the world.

Happy Journey!



Constant Communication. All the time. Non-stop. Verbal and non-verbal. It’s everything. I’m talking about an open, honest, on-going dialogue with God. It’s also more commonly referred to as prayer.

Last Summer, a small, wonderful group of friends met together and studied prayer. David and I were blessed to be a part of this group. We ate good food, drank fancy drinks (it’s an inside joke but by fancy I mean mint, strawberry lemon water) and we prayed.  I’ve never felt closer to a group of people and I absolutely believe it was the bond we shared in seeking God’s face on each other’s behalf. I wanted God to move in their lives and situations as much as they did and I know it was mutual. It was more than that too. We knew that whatever answer God chose to give us -exactly what we wanted, exactly the opposite or just simply not now- was His perfect kingdom come in our lives.

My prayer life was challenged and I know it was preparing me for hard days that our little family walked through this fall and winter. That little study is still changing my heart in massive ways. We prayed for small things (nothing is too little to take to Him) and we asked for impossibles. John 14:13 says, “Ask anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.” And this past summer, He answered both the small and large requests. Some are still unanswered and so we keep asking His will to be done on earth (as it is in heaven).

I used to assume The Lord’s Prayer was more of a religious, sacred, fancy worded example of prayer but the more I study it the more I’m certain it’s THE way to pray.  The best thing Satan can hope for is that we simply won’t pray. The devil knows that the second we pray and ask God that His will be done that he (the devil) is dismissed from any part of the conversation. He has zero influence when we are at the feet of Jesus in prayer. Wouldn’t you think it should be the most important Christian discipline? I’m all about none of satan and all of Jesus. Isn’t it powerful to know when we call on the name of Jesus the enemy is already defeated? Pray people . It’s time to pray.

Today is the first day of a new year and it tends to call me into a time of reflection upon the past year. I’ve made new friendships and have fallen in love with my essential oils business. We have new routines with our kids. I’m enjoying ministry and growing in my relationship with Jesus. Many of those things resulted from a sweet summer bible study on prayer.

These are the friends that you also call your family. They are the people I could call on in any moment for any thing and they’d be there. And I know it’s because we all love Jesus and have spent time praying together and for each other. So all this to say thank you fancy water drinking people. You changed my year in the best of ways. If you can- get yourself a group like this too. If you can’t or don’t have one- ask, seek, knock- pray for one.

Happy New Year!

The Price Family